Hydrogen Sulfide Intestinal Overgrowth (SIBO and LIBO)

Sulfur Metabolism: Sulfur is an essential mineral, meaning, that the body can’t make this on its own; it needs to acquire this from the diet.  Sulfur, after calcium and phosphorus, is the most abundant mineral found in the body. Sulfur coveys a large range of health benefits in the body, including that it is used […]
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Sulfur Balancing Protocol

Read the full article: Hydrogen Sulfide Intestinal Overgrowth (SIBO and LIBO) To help reduce, inhibit and heal sulfur The goal is to reduce (not eliminate) dietary intake of sulfur for three to four weeks, while following a supplement protocol that first, addresses sulfur metabolism, binds sulfur and reduces the damage that sulfur causes. Then start […]
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Do You Have Leaky Gut?

Leaky gut, also known as intestinal permeability, is a lot more common than most people think. Studies have shown that this afflicts more than 50% of the population, and it drives chronic disease.   When leaky gut is present, the immune system ramps up its response at the mucosal level and this increases inflammation and […]
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Functional Gut Reset Protocol for Leaky Gut

Here is How I Heal Leaky Gut in 9 Easy Steps Leaky gut can heal quickly, if you take the right steps and you are diligent following through with the protocol. Treatment should continue for at least two months. Increase short chain fatty acids, like Butyrate, from food (Ghee, clarified butter and fiber) and supplementation. […]
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Stress Busting Protocol

Supplements That Calm and Correct Stress Adaptogens: these are a select group of herbs that support your body’s natural ability to deal with stress. While I worked for three years at an oncology clinic, every patient was placed on some form of adaptogen. These are incredibly safe and effective. They come in tea and you […]
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Epstein Barr Protocol

Epstein Barr virus, or EBV, is one of the most common human viruses in the world. At onset, the infection is called mononucleosis. However, many people will acquire asymptomatic EBV (they are a carrier, but they never had a symptomatic infection). Once infected, your immune system will fight the virus and tamp it down. The […]
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Do You Have Leaky Gut?

Leaky gut, also known as intestinal permeability, is a lot more common than most people think. Studies have shown that this afflicts more than 50% of the population, and it drives chronic disease.   When leaky gut is present, the immune system ramps up its response at the mucosal level and this increases inflammation and […]
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How Can Yoga Alone Reduce GI Symptoms?

How Stress Makes Your Digestive Symptoms Worse I want you to think on this: over a 24 week study on people with IBS, yoga alone was shown to be as effective at calming digestive symptoms and improving quality of life, as was a restrictive low FODMAP diet. The simple task of this mind body practice […]
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How Can Yoga Alone Reduce GI Symptoms?

How Stress Makes Your Digestive Symptoms Worse I want you to think on this: over a 24 week study on people with IBS, yoga alone was shown to be as effective at calming digestive symptoms and improving quality of life, as was a restrictive low FODMAP diet. The simple task of this mind body practice […]
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The Pervasive Misunderstanding of the Low FODMAP Diet

I wrote this editorial response to the May 21, 2019 Today’s Practitioner article, Improved Anxiety Symptoms Over Just Probiotic. The article highlights a study that looked for evidence linking reduced anxiety symptoms with regulation of intestinal microbiota. The article stated, “(it is)…the benefits of non-probiotic food and supplements, such as a dietary FODMAP, that makes […]
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The Pervasive Misunderstanding of the Low FODMAP Diet

I wrote this editorial response to the May 21, 2019 Today’s Practitioner article, Improved Anxiety Symptoms Over Just Probiotic. The article highlights a study that looked for evidence linking reduced anxiety symptoms with regulation of intestinal microbiota. The article stated, “(it is)…the benefits of non-probiotic food and supplements, such as a dietary FODMAP, that makes […]
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Do You Have SIBO or Slow Gastric Emptying?

Do you have SIBO or slow gastric emptying? Motility Activator by Integrative Therapeutics is a new prokinetic on the market, that is a must try! Prokinetics (think  “pro-kinesis”) help to strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter, speed gastric emptying and they strengthen the migrating motor complex waves (MMC) – which creates wave-like movements along the small […]
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