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B12 Liquid (Methylcobalamin)

B12 Liquid (Methylcobalamin)


SKU: CP1185 Categories: ,


Klaire Labs

Suggested Use: Shake well before serving. Place 1 dropperful (1.0 mL) daily in mouth and hold for thirty seconds before swallowing or as directed by a healthcare professional.

Label Information

Servings Per Container: 120

Serving Size: 1 Dropper

Amount Per Serving
Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin) - 5000 mcg - 208333%

Other Ingredients
Purified water, Glycerin, Cranberry flavoring, cinnamon flavoring, Ionic copper solution

Suggested Use

Shake well before serving. Place 1 dropperful (1.0 mL) daily in mouth and hold for thirty seconds before swallowing or as directed by a healthcare professional.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.