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Biocidin Botanicals

Helps Restore Vitality and Energy. Targets Digestion and Aids Detoxification.

Biotonic™ contains organically grown traditional Chinese tonic herbs, which complement Biocidin®, with nutritional support for the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and adrenals. These tonic botanicals help support the body’s defenses, and are indicated when detoxifying or cleansing herbs are used for extended periods.

  • High potency adaptogens support the HPA axis and support stress response
  • Includes Artemisia for support in cleansing programs
  • Chinese tonic herbs restore and revitalize the vital energy or Qi
  • Organically grown, lab tested for impurities
  • Pleasant tasting
  • Supports healthy digestion

Label Information

Servings Per Container: 177

Serving Size: 10 Drop

Amount Per Serving
Proprietary Herbal Blend: - 330 mg
Astragalus root
Sweet Wormwood aerial parts
Fo-Ti root
Eleuthero root
Ginger rhizome
Bai-Zhu Atractylodes rhizome
Chinese Yam rhizome
Poria Sclerotium
Codonopsis root
Chinese Peony root
Turmeric root
Tangerine peel
Honey-prepared Chinese Licorice root

Other Ingredients
Distilled water, Cane Alcohol, Glycerin

Suggested Use

10 drops, 2-3 times daily or as directed by your healthcare professional.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.